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All of our dinner theater shows are very interactive with plenty of comedy, music

and audience participation. Below are listed some of our most popular. If there’s

nothing there that interests you, please contact us and our writers will create

something just for you.

Court of Jolly King Cole

This medieval feast has wizards, jesters and minstrels. Enough entertainment for a


Grey & Blue Mess Dinner

It’s the end of the civil war and a time for celebration. The Colonel has gathered

the battalion officers for a victory dinner. This show has plenty of history, comedy

and rousing music.

Tim Finnegan’s Wake

Your guests are treated like family and friends of the Finnegan’s from the moment

they enter. Bring your best joke, poem, song, jig or toast, and send off dear Tim in

style. God bless his soul.

Minute Man Mess Dinner

The Revolutionary War is over. Victory! Tonight we will feast and celebrate.

Three cheers for the Revolution! Long live these United States!

2019 The Ant & The Grasshopper

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